
Free 'Moritz' beers for European MPs to defend the Catalan language labels

The Catalan company Moritz has given a bottle of beer to each member of the European Parliament. The reason is to protest the recent EP's vote to maintain the rule that all labeling must be in at least one official EU language. Catalan is not official in the European Union although it is spoken by more people than some official languages. In Catalonia, the rule means Catalan-only labels may not be allowed anymore, since the European Union has refused to make Catalan official, despite being the language of more than 9 million people.

This is the letter Mortiz sent to the European Parliament.

The Vicepresident of the European Parliament getting his beer.

The campaign was called: "Drinking a Catalan beer is drinking a European beer"

1 comentari:

  1. Hi i'm From Barcelona (Catalan countries) and i have to say that Catalan language isn't spoken by 7 Millions people, Catalan language is spoken by more than 14 Millions people in (Catalonia, Valencian community, Balearic Islands, Western Strip in "Aragón", El carxe in "Murcia", Andorra, Northern Catalonia in "France" (pyrénées-Orientales) and in the city of Alguer in "Sardinia")
