The Football Spanish Royal Federation (RFEF) has forbidden all the flags which are not the Spanish one at the time of collecting an eventual trophy. From now the sportsmen of the combined state of football cannot carry any flag except the Spanish one.
Last July 31st the sub19 Spanish team won the European Football Cup. The Spanish coach, Ginés Meléndez snatched the Asturian flag to one of his players, just a kid. It was done in bad strength manners. After the controversy generated as for this coward action the RFEF has determined that from now are forbidden all the no Spanish flags. The federation only will tolerate "to the celebrations to the lawn or to the corresponding sportive terrain, but never during the delivery of the prize in case of victory." Meléndez has said that the kid “could not go up to the podium to collect the trophy with autonomic flags".
Some people opened a petition to consider Meléndez persona non grata (a not welcome person) in Asturies. Some Spaniards also think that the measure of the RFEF is that of a fascist state.
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