In 2006, Catalans
approved in a referendum a
new Statute of Autonomy—the general law that regulates its self-government within the Kingdom of Spain—that stated that Catalonia is a nation and that Catalan is the language of Catalonia. Catalan had been the vehicular language of the educational system in the country for thirty years, but the new Statute of Autonomy reaffirmed and protected this essential characteristic that had been repeatedly praised by all reports and studies on the matter, whether they came from experts in the field of linguistics, sociology, pedagogy or from the
institutions of the European Union. This educational system guarantees a good knowledge of both Catalan and Spanish. As official and academic reports alike reveal, Catalans complete obligatory education with
skills in Spanish similar to those of their Spanish colleagues.
Languages of Europe. |
Catalan, a Romance language spoken by about 12 million people, is a matter of identity for the Catalans—a thousand-year-old people that had the first
parliament in continental Europe and whose government, despite the many years of abolition of any self-government, now has
its 129th President. After almost 300 years of persecution of the Catalan language, customs and culture and the imposition of the Spanish language, after
massive migrations both from Spain (in 1970, 53% of the population of Barcelona wasn’t born in Catalonia) and more recently from around the world (with 1 million newcomers in the span of 10 years, in a country of 6.5 million people), the Catalans are very conscious that education is the key for the survival of Catalan as the main and national language of Catalonia, and so are very proud of the factor of integration and social peace and consensus that the immersive educational system has created in its thirty years of application after the Spanish nationalist and fascist dictatorship.
Demonstration "We Are a Nation, We Decide"
in Barcelona on 10th July 2010. |
In July 2010, after 4 years of deliberation, the Spanish Constitutional Court —an anomalous Court with deceased members still to be replaced, members whose mandates had (and still have) long expired, members that have presented their resignation which have not been accepted and who have publicly said that the Court has been hijacked by the Spanish political parties— ruled against the new Statute and against the will of the Catalan government, the Catalan parliament and the Catalan people. The
sentence removed or
modified 41 articles of the new Catalan Statute, including the definition of Catalonia as a nation, the protection of Catalan self-government, of its language and culture, a fair funding and a new judicial system for Catalonia, rendering the new Statute even worse than the previous one in many of its key features. As a response to this sentence, 1.5 million Catalans rallied in Barcelona in one of the
biggest marches in the history of Europe, under the mottoes of “We Are a Nation, We Decide” and “Independence”. Supporters included
cultural, political and civil organizations, trades unions, renowned
individuals, all Catalan political parties, the Catalan government, its President, the Parliament… in short, the whole Catalan society joined the demonstration, a demonstration that the Spanish news services reported as of just “thousands” of participants or even
never mentioned the march, saying, instead, that Catalans had gone to the beach in expectation for the next day’s final match of the Soccer World Cup that Spain won.
Yesterday, on the 2nd of September 2011, the Spanish judicial system gave an
ultimatum to the Catalan government: Spanish is to be made a vehicular language in the Catalan educational system within two months. The
response of the majoritary worker uninons, associations of professors and the Federation of Parents is that they will never obey this ruling, and that demonstrations will be prepared for the National Day of Catalonia, on September 11th.
With this, Spain not only
violates the human right of self-determination and prevents the Catalans from achieving independence (which
would win with a 60% of favourable votes in a referendum), it still attacks the very existence of the Catalans as a people and a nation and the survival of its distinctive features of customs and language —features that should be considered as the heritage of all humanity. This has been in fact the objective of Spain since it conquered Catalonia. Hundreds of edicts and laws
could be cited, passed by Spanish kings, Presidents and Ministers from 1714 till today. But a couple of them, from the first years of Spanish occupation, may suffice as examples:
“We should not choose weak and less effective means, but the most robust and likely to delete from the memory of the Catalans anything that might conform to their old and abolished constitutions, laws, rights and customs”.
–Spanish Council, 1715
“Each of them (viceroys) must observe, obey and execute, and make observe, enforce and implement timely and effectively my Royal Resolution [...] that once and for all, all the languages are to be extinguished [..] and only Spanish is to be spoken, as is commanded by repeated royal decrees and issued orders”.
–Charles III, King of Spain, 1770
Franco and Hitler. |
Concentration Camps for Catalans. |
The Catalan government in prison. |
Barcelona, bombed by the Spanish nationalist forces. |
The war in 1714, after which Catalonia lost its independence. |
Territories where Catalan is spoken,
and its different dialects. |
The Catalan language is facing similar or worse
persecution in Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Northen Catalonia (France), while it is properly protected in Andorra, a sovereign state whose only official language is Catalan.
The Occitan language of Aran—an administrative region in Catalonia that nationally belongs to Occitania—
faces exactly the same situation. The Catalan Statute of Autonomy of 2006 protected the Aranese self-government and language, and recognized its distinct Occitan nationality. All sentences against the Catalan language also attack Occitan.
Please, Help Catalonia and Aran.
Related articles:
Spanish Nationalism (1)
Sapnish Nationalism (2)
Spanish Nationalism (3)
The Violation of the Right of Self Determination
Divide and Conquer against Catalan language
Another attack agains the Catalan People
In defense of Current Educationa Model in Catalonia
Sorry to say so, but the Catalan language is the Catalan language, not the Catalan-Valencian language. The Catalan language was brought to Valencia by the Catalans in the XIII th century after the Catalans reconquered Valencia. In Valencia they speak Catalan. And Valencian is a dialect of Catalan. It is mad to speak of the Catalan-Valencian language. It is as if one would speak of the English-Scotish language, as England conquered Scotland and now in Scotland they speak the language of the English. It's incorrect and stupid. That's why I would suggest to show a map of the Catalan language and its dialects (being one of them Valencian).
ResponEliminaBest regards,
Miquel d'Amsterdam
Valencian is just the name commonly used in the Land of Valencia to refer to Catalan. I don't see the problem in using both denominations in a map that precisely shows the dialectical variants of the Catalan language.
ResponEliminaTo Hell with catalunya, get on your knees and obey the Spanish Heritage you donkey dirty Christmas mierda log fuckers. I would be the first to invade catalunya and rape your women and burn your cities; Pinche Perras!!!! LOL
ResponEliminait would be good if the owners of this blog remove the offensive comments like the one before... thanks!
ResponEliminaIn a way, I agree, the offensive comment should be removed. But it shows the kind of people Catalans have to deal with.
ResponEliminaWhy would anyone be against destroying culture, tradition, and motherland? It is called TAXES :-) and hard working Catalans being the engine of Spain.
ResponEliminaI think the same as Shaudin. And I suggest the bloggers to publish the kind of racist or even genocide-nearly comments that we Catalans receive for our comments in twitter or blogs.
Note how this article includes mostly facts with sources.
ResponEliminaOn the other hand, it's very rare to see arguments from the Spanish part, even when they don't use rude words.
It's all about a matter of respect. But unfortunately the word respect isn't in so many dictionaries in Spain traditionally. The catalans we are proud to know two languages, we like to know spanish and we use it when people talk to us in spanish. I'm 32 years old, my education has been 100% in catalan and I'm able to speak and write spanish as good as my catalan. At the end all it's politic garbage which increase the rage against people. It is a very very sad situation...
ResponEliminaI would like to point that the disgusting troll above, the example, as Shaulin said, of what catalonians have to deal with, is mexican (seriously, have you ever heard a spaniard using the word "pinche"?).
ResponEliminaI'm writing on behalf of the English-Speaking Children's Parents' and Guardians' Association of Catalonia. We are a non-profit civil society group working to improve the teaching of English to English-speaking children in Catalan schools, but also to see Catalan-English dual-language immersion programmes introduced. If you believe schooling in Catalan would be stronger if Catalan students had better English, please feel free to check out our web page ( and Facebook page (
ResponEliminaHow reasonable can be a situation when three families (Catalan population 8 million) objecting to their education system results in the attempted overthrow of the whole education system, despite estatuts to the contrary? Is it not surprising that many people now want an Independent Catalunya?
ResponEliminaI was very lucky and privileged five days vacation beautiful city Barcelona
ResponEliminaI went to this bodega ie glass of wine fom the barrel. It pleased me that Barcelona is like Glasgow and you could talk to anyone. I started this conversation about Catalonia and people non catalans became really upset
and started to argue about SPAIN there is no catalonia well wrong left bodega
It has beeen well over 500 years and catalonia is still part of United Kingdom of Spain. I expect a similar Balkan war by now; however nothing is happening. Catalonia is all talk. I only read whining, and more whining it is just a waste. Die for your cause or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
ResponEliminai'm catalan and i live in the uk. i would like to share this article with my english friends but i'm afraid the language is not quite up to scratch and that, sadly, alwawys diverts the reader's attention and they end up missing the most important points you make.
ResponElimina"a thousand-year-old people that had the first parliament..." even I'm not too sure what you are trying to say there. a 1000 year old community (i guess)... first parliament of what? first elected parliament in history? europe?.. heritage of all humanity is called world heritage (english speakers definately wouldn't get that)... "citar algo" is "to quote something"... etc.
it may look like i'm being picky but really these "little" mistakes discredit an otherwise VERY GOOD report on the situation of Catalunya and will diminish the effect it should have on the reader.
it would also help if you quoted more recent laws in your blog, at least from within the last 100 years, that show this persecution of our nation and identity is still going on... and summarise the main points at the beginning (i find that some very important ones are too near the end and many readers won't get to them before loosing interest).
i don't mean to be negative, i think it's a very good article and i just want to help.
Thanks for the article. It has helped overcome my limited ideas of the politico-linguistic situation on the Iberian Peninsula. For my perspective in Ireland, Catalans need to keep trying all sorts of ways to let people in the rest of the world understand their long if interrupted history as an independent territory/people.
ResponEliminaAlso, you might be interested to check out the recent linguistic map of twitter messages @
It shows in an interesting way the extensive of use of Catalan in your part of the world.
Why would anyone wish to rape the ugliest and most retarded women in Europe? yeeeuk. catalans are peasants. primates.
I have travelled in Spain extensively and out of all the cities I visited Barcelona is my favorite. Being a speaker of castellano I was disappointed at times that I could not understand the locals and the locals were adamant in not speaking castillian. I understand Catalan's are a proud people and once when joined with Aragon controlled a vast mediteranean empire which included the Ballerics, Sicily and Sardinia. What Franco did to Catalan pride is despicable, deplorable and simply put is genocide. FRanco was no Spanish hero and is deplored by many espanoles, although Salamancans seem to be quite fond of the man, madrilenos, on the other hand seem to despise him as much as the Basques or Catalans. I think Catalunya is a beautiful land witgh beautiful people who are friendly (though watch your wallet - the non violent crime rate here is higher than in even Rome!). It would be a shame if Catalunya seceded from Spain and broke the constitution it agreed to when the autonomous regions of Spain were set up post Franco. Spain's strength lies in its diversity of cultures, beliefs and languages. Ecomonically I would fear for Catalunya's well beingh as an independent state. I think its time that increased dialogue occurs between the Generalitat de Ctalaunya and the National governmnet. The Natyional government needs to assure Catalunya of its special status as an autonomous region and Catalunya needs to show its loyalty to the nation it is a part of. Separation fvrom Spain is not the answer.
ResponEliminaI have visitied Spain three times and for two of the three times for extended periods. I must say Barcelona is my favorite city in all of Spain for its cleanliness and friendliness. I do not think Catalunya should try and get its independnece from a United Spain with which it has a constitutional obligation. Catalans are and should be very proud people and the fact that they once held a meditteranean empire that included Athens, Sicily, Naples, Southern France, and Sardinia when it was under the Crown of Aragon is a little known historical fact. But the Catalans appear to be anti Spanish and increasingly so and this is unfair despite Franco's genocidal and unfair cultural policies towards Catalunya. Post Franco Juan Carlos set up Cataunya as an autonomous region with special status and now the catalans are appearing to be ingrates and want more. Spain's strength lies in its diversity and if Catalunya were to secede from Spain it would be a very sad occurrence. I would never visit Barcelona again but continue to explore Madrid, Burgos, San Sebastian, Santander, Valencia, Granada and every other part of the country.
ResponEliminaHow unfortunate and disheartening that Christopher Garuccio should want to put the status quo before democracy: shouldn't the will of the citizens of Catalonia as expressed democratically in a referendum go before your personal preference? And worst of all, it is a real pity that you should find it necessary to add threats of never again visiting Barcelona, a city you say you love, if the Catalans decide to secede. A surprising case of cutting off your nose to spite your face?