The constant tax pillage suffered by our country, which contributes with over 10% of GDP, the constant attacks on our culture, the obstacles put to Catalan businesses and its internationalization... and especially the fact that Spain does not respect the Statute of Catalonia, approved overwhelmingly by the Catalan Parliament (120 votes in favor and 15 votes against) and by the citizens from Catalonia in a referendum (74% of votes and 21% of the votes against) have made us, seeing the lack of leadership and courage of our politicians, take the decision to stick.
We do not want to belong to a state that does not respect us, that exploits and oppresses us We do not want to forget the failure to execute an international law such as Article 1.1 from the Charter of Human Rights, which claims that every country has the right to self-determination, to decide who wants to be, to decide their economic policies...
We want a Europe that respects all countries, and in that we trust. That's why we have communicated our decision not only to the Government of Catalonia, but also to the European Ombudsman. We think we are right, and therefore we will not step back, and from January 2012 we will act as Catalan and European citizens (if Europe respects that).
We decided to do it peacefully, democratically, by fiscal disobedience if necessary, entering our taxes in a deposit on behalf of the Government, if we can do so; if not, we will do it on behalf of the European Union, and if the EU does not help us either, we will use a private deposit with an affidavit.
We ask all citizens of Catalonia to help us, all the Enterprises to follow us, and everybody to give us support in order to achieve what is an unquestionable right for any country. We are aware of the risk, but we are much more frightened for the future of our country if we keep doing nothing. The economic and social situation forces us to take urgent decisions as a nation, decisions we cannot make as an Autonomic Community depending from Spain.
Thank you.
Maria and Andreu (Siurana, Catalonia. Europe.)
They decided saying "NO MORE"
Read more articles of our Citizens' Voice Series, here
What can the rest do to help you (and us)?
ResponEliminaMés catalans dels que us penseu estan amb vosaltres!
ResponEliminaÀnims des de Figueres,
Ànims des de Mataró! Amb gent com vosaltres ho aconseguirem!
ResponEliminaÀnims des de Palafolls! tots units fem força Visca Catalunya Lliure
ResponEliminaHija de Puta!!!! So, you are willing to be arrested and your children to be taken away from you and sent to an orphanage while you rot in prison for being a traitor. Go for it!
ResponEliminaCatalonia is a God damn region of Spain. That is all, NOTHING ELSE. Do you really think that Spain will give up its eastern coast to help a bunch of lazy fucks. Go to prison and rot you idiot.
If however, you take arms and commit ethnic cleansing I would respect your actions. Hell, I would venture to catalonia too and also behead children, rape young and older women and slice the balls of your men and stick their damn heads on poles. I believe it was done in old Yugoslavia just 15 years ago. It will be fun.
Lets Party!!!!!!!
If anybody wants to Help, go to and sing the petition of support.
ResponEliminaLord Gamez... thank you, you described it so well why we are better far away from people like you :)
Ben fet!!! Aixi m´agrada, amb un parell! Bona iniciativa per incentivar els altres!
ResponEliminaWhen Gamez describes Catalunya's status as a "region of Spain", he makes it clear that it is damned by God.
ResponEliminaWhen Catalunya takes its place alongside other free nations, maybe God will smile upon it.
As for describing the bit of the Spanish Imperium that creates wealth for the central government as "lazy fucks", I have to wonder what he is on.
And that could mean his fix or his state benefits.
Catalonia is a God damn region of Spain. That is all, NOTHING ELSE.
ResponEliminaAnd that's exactly the reason why we want and need out.
Maria, Andreu, Ànims des d'Alemanya!
Ja era hora que algú ho fes. Enhorabona i endavant.
ResponEliminaTeniu el meu suport. De tota manera, per cobrir-vos les espatlles, caldria que els impostos els paguéssiu a la UE.
ResponEliminaHija de Puta!! Por lo tanto, está dispuesto a ser arrestado y sus hijos a ser quitado de vosotros, y enviado a un orfanato, mientras que te pudras en la cárcel por ser un traidor. ¡Adelante!
ResponEliminaCataluña es una región maldita de España. Eso es todo, nada más. ¿De verdad crees que España va a renunciar a su costa este para ayudar a un grupo de folla perezoso. Ir a la cárcel y la pudrición de idiota.
Sin embargo, si usted toma las armas y cometer limpieza étnica yo respeto sus acciones. El infierno, me atrevería a Cataluña también y también a los niños decapitar, la violación las mujeres jóvenes y mayores y cortar las puntas de los hombres y meter la cabeza maldita en los postes. Creo que se hizo en la antigua Yugoslavia hace 15 años. Será divertido.
Lets Party !!!!!!!
Lord Alex Gamez from Valladolid? Be careful. Hate speech and threatening to rape young children is a crime.
ResponElimina...and after checking out your facebook profile clearly that music you are producing is the worst crime of all.
Don't blame Lord Alex Gamez from Valladolid. I LORD GAMEZ am from the United States of America.
ResponEliminaYou know the Yankees of a mongral race of backward hicks of questionable ethnicities that have made the world follow are wake because we are the best of the world.
Don´t worry Lord Gamez. We know exactly who to blame. The comments which constitute three different hate crimes in one post, and the I.P. address from Valladolid have been issued to the proper authorities and four media sources. One of which, will be paying you a visit very soon and publishing your comments in their publication. I´m sure the others will also take you to task.
ResponEliminaWe shall see how proud you are to spout about your intent to rape when the police and a few media sources show up in your town.
What a bunch of idiots
ResponEliminaThis Lord Gamez is a little jewel. Yes, a dirty jewel but a nice example of Spaniard. His references (rape, bloodshed, violation, children's murdering, etc) are also a good psichiatric material.
ResponEliminaI am definetly a jewel. I hope you non-Spaniards are ready to lose your autonomy soon. I read by March it will be gone. Hahaha!
ResponEliminaI am also hopeful you fight and start using guns and some other heavy weapons you pieces of mierda. I will make an appointment and venture to catalonia and help the Spanish PP ethnically cleanse you traitous perras off the Spanish Homeland. I plan to rape as many women that I can and also put every catalan Head on a long pole in the center of BARCELONA.
I can't wait, I am getting so excited about the party. I may even go north to the Basque region too there are many Basque that need to be cleansed of their sins too. Hahahahahahahahaha!
He preguntat al gestor (sóc free-lance) i m'ha dit que la idea és bona però inaplicable perquè "automàticament" fent la declaració d'IRPF o IVA els diners s'ingressen a compte espanyol.
ResponEliminaNo us rendiu mai, sou tot un exemple a seguir.
ResponEliminaVisca Catalunya, tots, a la nostra manera, lliuitarem per la llibertat.