
IKEA fires an employee for defending the right to speak Catalan

Jordi Ros, a native of Badalona, reported in a letter published in the newspaper ARA that IKEA had fired him because he defended the right to speak Catalan. Ros explains that he was fired on the request of a security guard, right after Ros had said that one needs to at least understand Catalan in order to be able to work in Catalonia.

"He shouted at me, he yelled that this is Spain and I am Spanish. Then he asked the register manager, Sandra, to not let me work there anymore, because he didn’t want me there," Ros writes in the letter. The most striking thing is that IKEA followed the security guard's request, and without consideration, fired Ros alleging a fight with a customer, "which is not true".

Letter by Jordi Ros published in the newspaper ARA on January 12th:

I am currently studying. Up until now I’ve been a temporary worker at Ikea through. But I don't work there anymore, simply because I expressed my opinion. One day, while I was working at the check out counter I heard that a client was having an argument with a security guard (the security company's name is Securitas). One of the reasons the customer was angry was the fact that the employee was insisting that they speak in Spanish. I continued with my work, as usual.

When the next turn security employee came I explained to him what had happened, and he was proud of his companion. I was suprised, and I told him that in order to work here in Catalonia, one should understand the language, or at least try to. He started shouting at me, he told me loudly that we are in Spain, that I was Spanish, and then he asked the manager, Sandra, not to let me come back to work anymore, because he didn’t want me there.

Ikea followed the Seguritas’ guard request, and they fired me. Moreover, the reasons given by the recruitment agency are that I argued with a customer, which is not true, especially since the manager had asked us to stop arguing. It seems incredible to me that a company like Ikea has people like this under their employment.

Read more about Spanish Nationalism here

This article has been translated from “IKEA acomiada un treballador per defensar el català” on Cronica.cat .

3 comentaris:

  1. The founder of Ikea was a Nazi. Catalunya should expect nothing from this company except Francoism at the very least.


  2. Jo tinc un defecte i és que veig quan m'aixequen la camisa. Explica que l'han acomiadat "for defending the right to speack catalan" i això vol dir "per defensar el dret a parlar català", però després s'explica: "had said that one needs to at least understanda catalan..." i això és que ell volia donar una lliçó a un altre treballador que no ho és, d'ell, ho és de l'empresa que el paga, IKEA, qui té dret a fer-lo parlar o no en català, i entendre'l o no. Si no li van demanar, ell que tenia perquè posar-se a on no li manaven. I això és el que els castellans en diuen W"joder la marrana" i volguer-nos complicar la vida.

  3. Ramon: Té raó quan diu que defensar el dret de parlar el català no és el mateix que defensar que s'hagi d'entendre el català per poder treballar a Catalunya. El noi va ser acomiadat per aquesta darrera raó, i en cap moment no hi ha hagut intenció de tergiversar res. La realitat és que abans que fos acomiadat, hi havia hagut una disputa entre un client que parlava en català i un altre guarda de seguretat no massa obert a la idea de parlar en català a un client. Això només és increïble! Un treballador de l'empresa barallant-se amb un client per negar-li el dret de dirigir-s'hi en català! Addicionalment, em sorprèn que vostè no remarqui el fet que el noi va ser acomiadat perquè el guarda de seguretat ho va exigir. Noun encarregat de l'empresa, sinó un guarda de seguretat qualsevol! IKEA no té cap dret d'acomiadar un noi només perquè un guarda de seguretat pro-espanyolista així ho vulgui. No és just. Està clar que és un acomiadament polític. Pel que fa a complicar-nos la vida, em penso que per molt que ho intentem, no ens la compicarem tant com els espanyols ens la compliquen a nosaltres. Aviam: atacs al català i a l'educació en català, espoli fiscal, pèrdua de poder adquissitiu, mancances en infraestructures, pèrdua de potencial econòmic, atac constant als mitjans, menyspreu, atur... la llista és llarga. Em penso que el temps d'actuar com a catalanets prudents ja ha passat.
