
Girona‘s Mayor Says Catalonia Needs Independence

Carles Puigdemont, Girona‘s mayor
Carles Puigdemont, Girona's mayor, said in front of 1600 people Catalonia needs independence to survive as a nation.

Mr. Puigdemont said Catalonia would be better off as an independent state than the way it is now with Spain. Puigdemont stated that Catalonia needs independence to have a better future , and he said it is an everyday victory which depends on individual effort. The mayor of Girona was speaking on Sunday noon during an act by the Catalan National Assembly, which brought together 1600 people and which has denounced the fact that Spain is stealing money from​​ Catalonia. Specifically, he pointed out that every second Spain gets 512 euros from the Catalans, which means 16,000,000,000€ (sixteen bilion euros) a year. He also said that the Spanish autonomous model is not working and is impoverishing Catalonia.
Josep Manel Ximenis, Arenys de Munt's mayor

On the other hand, Josep Manel Ximenis, Arenys de Munt's mayor, pointed out that Catalonia's independence is getting closer every day because people are becoming aware of the need for freedom in order to progress.
There are more than 50 cities all over Catalonia whose mayors have asked for independence

Demonstration on February 12th, 2012 in favor of Catalonia‘s independence

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