
Stop the Drain!

The Stop Espoli website published a few days ago a video where some renowned Catalan economists and academics explain very clearly the unjust economic situation Catalonia is subjected to. Among them there is Catalonia's current Minister of Economy, Professor Andreu Mas-Collell, probably the best known Catalan economist in the world. The video received more than 80,000 visits in just 10 days. Discover the consequences of the Spanish fiscal drainage on Catalonia, and what Catalans could do with that money. Let’s stop the fiscal drain.

You can also download a new app for Apple and Android that explains the Catalan fiscal drain. This app is called StopEspoli, and in it you can find:

 -A detailed explanation accompanied by data showing the magnitude of the fiscal drain of Catalonia, along with commentaries by internationally renowned Catalan economists.
- A converter that shows how this money could instead be spent to help Catalonia's progress.
- A links section containing news and documents, which allows you to have all of the latest information right at your fingertips.
 - A debt counter, which shows you how much money Catalans are losing with every passing second. 

Stop the fiscal drain and spread the word!

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