
Catalanophobia: Boycott to Catalan Products

Cundo S.A. Sobaos Pasiegos (industrial pastry manufacturer)

Grupo Borges,
Carrer de Flix, 39
43205 Reus (Tarragona)

Valladolid, 19 October 2012

Dear Sirs,

 Considering the direction that Catalan national process is currently taking with the votes of residents in Catalonia (not all of them) against the rest of Spaniards, as well as their constant insults, humiliations, and scorn, day in day out, our firm has become aware of this political course and sees it as its duty to stop buying products that have been manufactured in Catalonia or distributed by multinationals based in that region. 

 Given that you belong to this category of providers, we regret to inform you that we will no longer purchase any of your products either directly from you or from any of your local distributors in Spain, and that we will be seeking other providers and manufacturers that are based in the rest of Spain, in Portugal or in Europe. 

 Yours sincerely,

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5 comentaris:

  1. No us perdeu els comentaris:


  2. Les faltes d'ortografia, puntuació i sintaxi d'aquesta carta són tan horribles com el seu contingut.

  3. You are the problem. You overspent and now blame everybody else. The USA does not support you and we will boycot your CAVA,olive oil,and vichy water etc.

  4. Visita Espana. La grandez de Semana Santa y Feria Andaluza, Madrid, Navarra, Galicia. Boicot cataluna y todos productos catalanes que no salgan a la defense espanola. Soil gilipollas catalanes. Viva espana
