
Catalan Victory over the Spanish army in the Battle of Montjuïc Honoured

The Colonela(La Coronela) honoured the Catalan Soldier Day, celebrated every year on January 26 in recovering from the Catalan Victory on the Spanish Army in the Battle of Montjuïc, in 1641 and the Mechanical and Patriot Martí Martí and Bardella, buttered Spanish colonial police on January 26, 1979 and ending on January 29, 1979. In the Battle of Montjuïc 6,000 Catalans defeated a 23,000 strong Spanish army at the Barcelona's doors.

La Coronela focused the event on the Baluard de Santa Madrona on the 381st anniversary of the Battle of Montjuïc in which 6,000 Catalans defeated 23,000 Spaniards. But the Pyrenean Regiment, made up of Catalan pro-independence activists during the war from 1936 to 1939, was also honored. Apart from the public force, the councilor of Barcelona de Junts per Catalunya, Jordi Martí, took part in the event.

La Coronela is the name of the armed force of the town of Barcelona, and its objective was to defend the city during the War of the Spanish Occupaton. It was formed, in great part, by craftsmen and organized under the commandment of the Conseller en cap (Head councillor, in Catalan) of the Consell de Cent of Barcelona. It played a crucial role in the defense of the city against the pro Spanis Bourbonic troops (also called Philippists or Botiflers) from 1710 to 1714.

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