
Catalan Sports Teams Associations Sue Spain at European Human Rights Court

Several Catalan sports associations sued the Spanish kingdom at the European Human Rights Court for violating the fundamental rights against the Catalan federations and sports teams.

The reason for this is the ruling by the Spanish Constitutional Court which dictated in favor of the appeal on unconstitutionality by the Spanish State against a section in Catalonia’s Sports Law, which would allow for international recognition for Catalonia’s sports teams. The ruling, more political than legalistic, goes against the right of assembly and interferes with privately organized Catalan sports federations being recognized internationally.

The Spanish Constitutional Court gives an biased interpretation of the law, which means a glaring restriction of the universal right of assembly, with the aim of preventing sports federations from participating in international competitions when a Spanish team is in contention as well.

This restrictive interpretation of the law effectively annuls the right of assembly, which is part of the Universal Human Rights Law, and is protected by the European Convention of Human Rights.

Another consequence of this ruling is that it restricts not only the right of assembly, but that it does so in connection with national discrimination and the right to due process, which disregards the ruling contained in the appealed sentence of the Spanish Constitutional Court related to the interpretation of article 19 in the Catalan Sports Law after the modification due to the law 9/1999.

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