
Catalan Exile Defence

This is a fund fed by private occasional contributions and donations, to support promoters of the Catalan Republic exiled because of repression and judicial persecution by Spanish State against its rights and its freedom of expression, organization and political participation.

The beneficiaries will be the 130th president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Carles Puigdemont and Casamajó, the ministers and other people forced to leave Catalonia persecuted for criminal causes related to the referendum on 1st October 2017, to the Parliament's declaration on 27th October and to the activity of the government in exile, as well as for criminal cases against their rights and their freedom of expression, organization and political participation.

The incomes serve to cover the needs of beneficiaries in different fields such as:
- legal defence, which includes expenses such as lawyers, translations and procedures;
- security;
- technical support, logistics and for the maintenance of people in exile.

The members of the government in exile will be responsible for the administration of the fund, from the preparation and approval of the budget to the control of its execution. Likewise, they will be responsible for determining means to promote donations.

The fund will be managed by the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, austerity and transparency. Periodic information will be published to monitor the fund, the evolution of income and the destination of resources.

A regular external control will be carried out by a Council composed of people unrelated to the people and activities financed by the fund, which will ensure that the resources are allocated to the planned and publicized actions and goals. Moreover, an external audit will be carried out annually by a professional company and its results will be published.
An external audit will be carried out annually by a professional company and its results will be made public.

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