
#onthisday 1971 Pau Casals Speech at the UN

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“Very moved, very moved, to receive such a (inaudible) the greatest honour that I have received. And because you spoke of what I have thought all my life, inspired by my mother, who was a wonderful, genial woman. She talked to me, very early of my age, about peace. About peace. That, at that time, also we had, we were... I was born... read more...

  • Pau Casals Some Quotes

"For the past eighty years I have started each day in the same manner ... I go to the piano, and I play preludes and fugues of Bach. ... It is a sort of benediction on the house." "Of course, I continue to play and to practice. I think I would do so if I lived for another hundred years." "Martita (his wife) is the marvel...read more

  • Pau Casals, his life

"Music, this marvellous universal language, would have to be a source of communication between all people." Pau Casals (Pablo Casals as he was commonly called in English) was one of the 20th century's greatest cellists, internationally recognized as one of the finest performers and orchestra conductors of his times. Born in...read more

Over the course of his life, Pau Casals struggled constantly for peace, justice and freedom. In recognition of his stance, in 1971 the Secretary-General of the United Nations, U-Thant, awarded Pau Casals the U.N. Peace Medal. The speech that Pau Casals gave to express his gratitude for this distinction, and afterwards his performance of "El cant dels ocells" (The Song of the Birds), constituted one of the most impressive...read more

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1 comentaris:

  • Unknown says:
    25 d’octubre del 2017, a les 10:19

    He was a cellist!!!! So easy yet you still got it wrong

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