
Fascist Demonstration Authorized in Madrid before the King’s Cup Final

The Spanish government has authorized an extremist fascist demonstration to defend the unity of Spain on the 25th of May in Madrid in response (so they say) “to the expected provocations from the Basque and Catalan separatists.” The demonstration will take place at the same time as thousands of Barcelona and Athletic de Bilbao followers gather around the city, which could end up in serious incidents, as they present it as a way to “respond the provocations” by Barcelona and Athletic de Bilbao followers. The demonstration has received the authorization from the delegation of the Spanish government in Madrid, and it is expected to start at Alonso Martinez square at 6PM, four hours before the match.

The police are expected to concentrate the Barcelona followers in the Puerta del Sol area, while the Basque followers will be placed in the Retiro park.

The organizers of the demonstration—the Falange, Spanish Patriot Net, and the Spanish Catholic Movement, among others—are trying to respond to the "insult to all of Spain and the Spanish people,” referring to the expected booing of the Spanish national anthem by the Catalan and the Basque followers at the Vicente Calderón stadium, just as it happened three years ago in València.

For those who don’t know these fascist groups, Falange is the most significant one. It used to be a paramilitary group during the Spanish civil war. It is responsible for the murders of thousands of civilians, who were taken out of their homes and shot to death, their bodies left on the sides of the roads afterwards.

These fascists parties are still legal in Spain. This is not surprising, considering the fearful way in which the transition to democracy was handled. Take a look at the government party that is in power today—you will notice they are the heirs of the Franco regime.

We are asking that the Spanish government stop this irresponsible demonstration, which attempts against the rights of the Catalan and the Basque people. Barcelona and Atletic followers, in Madrid just for the game, most likely are going to be attacked by these extremist groups with the help of the government.

Thank you for your help and understanding.

1 comentaris:

  • Mary says:
    22 de maig del 2012, a les 14:49

    Tinc que dir que aquesta carta la vaig enviar al Departament de Drets Humans de la ONU; a Human Rigths Watch, a SOS Racisme entre altres organitzacións humanitaries. Tambè a diaris de França, Bèlgica, Holanda, Alemania, Inglaterra, Escócia i Irlanda. Ningú m'a contestat i ningú a fet res per parar aquesta aberració de concentració feixista; lo ùnic que podem esperar es que no tinguem que lamentar cap succes desagradable.
    Recordem el seguidor de la Real Sociedad que fa anys es va veure sorprés per seguidors del Atlético de Madrid i el van apunyalar. Aquest noi va morir asesinat per feixistes que van descarregar el seu odi contra ell per ser basc. No hi había cap concentració feixista convocada però el van matar
    Aqui ho deixo dit.

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