
Amnesty International concerned about Spanish police violence

Amnesty International denounced the Spanish police for their brutal methods. The survey “Europe: Policing demonstrations in the European Union” is a demolishing document which illustrates the use of excessive force and “less-than-lethal” weapons by law enforcement officials against demonstrators. The briefing illustrates some of Amnesty International’s concerns about failure of law enforcement officials to observe international obligations when policing demonstrations across EU countries and recommends good practice for policing demonstrations.”
Some examples: “the police charged into them, including against peaceful demonstrators. Images available on the internet show riot police officers hitting demonstrators with their batons, although the demonstrators did not appear to be resisting and were holding their hands up.”  As well as the case of Ángela Jaramillo: “After suffering a heart attack, Ángela Jaramillo died unexpectedly on 15 June 2012, before seeing justice in her case.” Jaramillo suffered a heart attack during a Police riot.  Amnesty International suggests that the Spanish government protect peaceful demonstrations as well as de-escalate tense or violent situations. The Spanish government is going precisely in the wrong direction. In Catalonia, for instance, Spanish officials are escalating verbally the independence debate, and Spanish violent actions are not prosecuted by law enforcement officials. Spain should aim at creating mutual understanding and prevent violence but is doing just the opposite.  

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