
Catalan Flag Burned on Live TV

To burn a Spanish flag can earn the perpetrator five years in prison in Spain. But to burn a Catalan one is not only not illegal, but can even be broadcasted live. A Spanish digital outlet recently broadcasted an interview where a man burned a Catalan flag saying: “Its best destiny is to be purified by fire.” The TV director commented that it was “a brave action.” 

Although usually we'd tend to ignore such provocations, we think the international public should get a glimpse of the kinds of threats, insults, and denigratory treatment Catalans get from some sectors of Spanish society on a daily basis.


4 comentaris:

  • Unknown says:
    19 de gener del 2013, a les 6:48

    Això no és denunciable?

  • YuriBCN says:
    7 de febrer del 2013, a les 23:23

    No, Pau, it cannot be legally denounced. But the fact is that it is very telling of attitudes in Spain towards the democratic debate in Catalonia on the future of its citizens and their right to decide what it is to be.

  • hwanphee says:
    11 de febrer del 2013, a les 4:02

    Well, even if the guy is disgusting... he's NOT burning a Catalan Flag. He's burning an "estelada", the independentist flag. And it's not an "official" flag, so probably it's not illegal to do it

  • Unknown says:
    12 de maig del 2013, a les 15:20

    Of course, that it can not be denounced since it is not the official flag of any country in the world:
    This flag is only the invented unofficial symbol of those in Catalonia who want to separate from the rest of Spain.

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