
Booing Soon to Be Banned in Spain

María Dolores Cospedal, secretary general of Partido Popular, the ruling party in Spain, recently stated that the booing of the Spanish nationalist anthem and against the King of Spain—as done recently by Catalans and Basques—will be prohibited by law and the perpetrators might incur fines.

The editor of the Spanish newspaper La razón, Paco Marhuenda, stated with no ambiguity that booing to a head of state or a king is a “sign of totalitarianism."

Journalist Víctor Alexandre wonders where all this hatred smoldering within the ruling party will lead to. Apparently PP’s members are incapable of standing such kinds of protests at an international football match, broadcasted all over the world. What Catalans protest about is that they are being exploited by a corrupt, central government, and the fact that they pay more than their fair share in taxes, which does not result in equitable investment on their future and wellbeing.

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