
Mallorca Blackout

Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa (Balearic Group for Ornithology and Nature Protection) with the invaluable involvement of the artist Miquel Barceló has started a campaign of international condemnation of this new aggressive development assault that threatens our small and fragile island landscape. This website has been launched to provide up to date information and offer the possibility of active involvement in the fight for the conservation of our territory, our landscape and our biodiversity.
As a consequence of the previous real estate boom in Mallorca, the destruction of land, based on speculation and excessive touristic activities, including the over-exploitation of natural resources Mallorca is at its limit. This has also caused the destruction of much of the coastline where massive areas of degraded touristic construction, with a saturation of infrastructure are much in evidence.
The actual crisis, consequence of the burst of the real estate bubble and abuse by financial entities and globalized markets could present be a good opportunity to revise in depth social-economic structures, correct negative tendencies and re-direct social and environmental development. Unfortunately, the crisis has been an excuse to reactivate the harshest economic and territorial policies linked to speculation and land destruction.
Land destruction significantly damages the tourism image. The scenery, the main cause of the success of the Balearic Islands is seriously threatened, therefore impacting the image and quality of Mallorca islands as a tourist destination.

You can act and support the campaign, writing this letter to the Balearic Islands Prime Minister, demanding him to change the course of the policies that can undermine our fragile little island and by asking him to create new alternatives to ensure Mallorca’s future.

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