released by the Social Science research Network and used by the US
Department of Justice addresses the legal aspects of the recent rise of
separatism in Flanders, Scotland, and Catalonia. The paper argues that “under
current conceptions of international law, Flanders, Scotland and Catalonia do
not possess a right to statehood. But the changing nature of statehood in
Europe adds a new dimension to the analysis of self-determination claims.”
fact the article, by Christopher K. Connolly, suggests how international law
and state practice might evolve to reflect new realities at a time when the
state is being challenged both from above and from below. The report explains
Catalonia's reality as “rising separatist sentiment,” and it points out, as
Michael Keating explains, that “Spain’s system of autonomous governments is the
result of contradictory pressures for differentiation, coming from the historic
nationalities, and for uniformity, coming from the central state.”
paper explains that “Spain’s inflexibility is troubling, however, both legally
in light of the Canadian Suprem Court’s opinion and politically in comparison
to the accommodating stance taken by Britain under similar circumstances” (page
report is being used by the United States
Department Of Justice and recommends that Spain allow Catalonia to hold a
referendum on independence. “Britain’s response to Scottish nationalism has already
started down this path, with the British state allowing for a referendum
despite its strong opposition to Scottish independence. Spain should follow
suit in the event that Catalan nationalists continue to seek a plebiscite to
determine their future relationship with the Spanish state” (page 63).
The first link on this page doesn't work, does anyone know another access to this? It sounds very interesting.
The document was elimnated by the author who required some webs to drop it: http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticia/4096541/20130318/departament-justicia-eua-disposa-informe-independencia-catalunya.html
Write to helpcatalonia@gmail.com for the full text.