
Defending the Language by Kissing

The Catalan language is spoken in several countries, such as Italy, Andorra, Spain and France. The latest initiative to promote the language in Northern Catalonia (the part that is administered by France) is a kiss-in. In Catalan it is called Potonejada. A big gathering has been organized in Perpignan where everybody will give kisses in order to show support for the Catalan language. The events logo is a heart with four yellow stripes, as in the Catalan national flag. The main goal is to achieve a clamour of love for the language.
The event will also include the official presentation of a new sardana (traditional Catalan dance) called Roselló alegre, un clam damor a la llengua composed by Olivier Marquès. Perpignan will be crowded with artists, poets, musicians, singers, writers and draughtsmen. Last March 2012 Perpignan was the scene of a lipdub in favour of the language whichbecame a Guinness Record because of the high participation.
Defending a language by loving it is the best way to face those who want to annihilate it just by hating it.

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