
Melbourne (Australia) : On Saint George's, a rose and a book

Catalan Cultural Centre of Victoria celebrates this special event next 21st April at the very popular Melbourne Reader’s Feast Bookstore, where, surrounded by roses and books, will announce the winners of the III Casal Literary Competition, and will toast with glasses of cava.

In addition you will be able to purchase the book “What’s up with Catalonia?”, by Liz Castro, and the latest Catalan books that have been translated into English, “The Sound of One Hand Killing”, by Teresa Solana, and “In Diamond Square”, by Mercè Rodoreda. Finally, three Catalan poets, Júlia Zabala, Jordi Valls and Héctor López Bofill have prepared a very special virtual poetry reading for us.

Join us and celebrate this special day and help us to promote it among people who want to get a closer look at our language and culture.

One last thing; we would like to remind you that you have until 19th April to take part in our Literary Competition, so send us your poems or your stories! You will find more information about the event and the Rules of the Literary Competition: http://www.ccvictoria.cat/index_eng.html

Free for Casal Català Victòria members; $5 for non-members
RSVP: casalcatalavictoria@gmail.com

More about Sant Jordi 2013, Catalans Abroad here.
More about Sant Jordi here

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