
Why does Catalonia need to hold a referendum on self determination? by Rocío Martínez-Sampere

Why does Catalonia need to hold a referendum on self determination? by Catalonia's Member of Parliament Rocio Martínez.

2 comentaris:

  • elisabeth says:
    1 d’octubre del 2013, a les 10:40

    I do think the Website of Help Catalonia is a very professional site that helps people abroad to understand what is happening in Catalonia and what is happening in Spain.

    It is clear that Spain and it's two centralist parties, the P.P. ( in power now ) and the PSOE , the Socialist Workers party ( in the opposition ), are both undemocratic parties, not giving way to diversity of thought whitin their parties.
    As many specialists on Spain say: it is more than an island, further away from Europe than England.
    Many parts of Spain have not changed sinds ages, this is true for mental devellopment , aswell as for development of the agricultural situation.

    It is a fact that as we think of mental development, in Spain we have to think of the supression of free thought, by the Authoritarian rulers and the Catholic Church.

    When we think of agricultural development we see enormous estates ( hundreds of thousands hectares big ) where day labour is the way to work the ground by people who do not own the ground.

  • elisabeth says:
    1 d’octubre del 2013, a les 11:40

    Please put my two comments together as one. Second part of my first comment:
    _This situation is very differnt in Catalonia, Catalans were influenced by many differnt thoughts, Catalonia was allways a seafaring nation, that came in contact with many ideas and developed trade, industry and agruculture. In Catalonia agricuture has not the form of enormous estates with day labour. Free farming or charecropping is the way to work the land. It is not strange that true democratic opinions are developed in Catalonia, also it is not strange to see Catholicism freeing itself from the Authoritarian church. Being critical and forewardlooking led the Catalans to seek self determination in a democratical way, far removed from the Spanish way of looking backward and supressing democracy.
    Please help the Catalans creating a Democratic State of Catalonia.

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