
Blockade of Gibraltar : Toxic brand Spain threatens Catalan economy

Spain's campaign of punitive measures against Gibraltar for her refusal to be Spanish could mark the death knell of her control over Catalonia, conquered in 1714. The reason is simple: a growing number of voices in the United Kingdom, including the country's top EU lawmaker, are calling for a boycott of the Spanish tourist industry. Some are going even further and want to target any Spanish imports. This means that unless Catalonia leaves Spain she is bound to suffer the consequences, despite Catalans having made clear that they support Gibraltar's right to self-determination. While MEP Julie Girling stressed that her call for a Boycott did not extend to Catalonia, and even went as far as urging Britons to spend their holidays in Catalonia, not everybody is bothering to make the distinction. Plus, even if they do, Catalan businesses face two problems: First of all, not all Britons are aware that Catalonia is a distinct nation. A growing number do, but many still see it as just another part of Europe's North Korea, that economic basket case full of nostalgics of Nazism called Spain. Second, not all Catalan products are labelled as such. It may not be easy for British consumers, even those aware of the contrast between democratic Catalonia and heir to a common or garden dictator Spain, to spot the difference.


Catalan businesses have made a big effort to enter non-Spanish markets over the last couple of decades. Actually, Catalonia currently exports more to third countries than she does to her neighbour to the West. At a time when Catalan companies are struggling to survive not only a recession, but above all Madrid's anti-Catalan policies (which include blocking intercontinental flights and high-speed train connections to Europe), a British boycott may sound the death knell for some of them, and a major blow to others. The time has thus come to clearly label any products as “Made in Catalonia”, to make it clear in corporate literature and sales materials that a company is located “in Catalonia” and to avoid any kind of association with the words “Spain” and “Spanish”. Any company not following these rules is exposing itself, its shareholders, and its workers and their families, to just reprisals. Why should Britons buy anything from a country threatening Gibraltar, subjecting the Rock's inhabitants to 7-hour long queues under the sun, and providing diplomatic support to Argentine claims on the Falklands.


In the last few years, a growing number of business leaders have come to the conclusion that there is no future inside Spain. They have moved away from reliance on the Spanish market. They have wondered aloud why one cannot fly direct to New York. They have demanded containers unloaded in Tarragona or Barcelona be allowed to proceed direct, by fast speed train, to Europe's economic heartland. Madrid's latest offensive against Gibraltar, punished for the sin of refusing to be Spanish, is the last nail in Spain's coffin. From now on, any Catalan business failing to identify itself as such is risking just reprisals. The time has thus come to say goodbye to Spain and embrace the civilized world. The time has come to appear before the world as what we are, not what we have been forced to be.

by Alex Calvo

Alex Calvo is a Professor of International Relations and International Law, Head of the IR Department, and Postgraduate Research Director, European University (Barcelona Campus). An expert on Asian security and defence issues, he got his LLB from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) and is currently doing an MA in Second World War Studies at the University of Birmingham. He is a former teaching and research fellow at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).

1 comentaris:

  • Jason says:
    1 de desembre del 2013, a les 10:10

    Many people in Britain are shocked at the way Madrid treats Catalonia. If London did the same to Scotland or Wales, they would have been independent years ago.

    We support Catalonia's aspirations to become an independent European nation. You have your own language, your own national identity and are proud of it. There is no reason why Madrid should oppress your desire and that of the Basques, to seek independence.

    If Madrid keeps on with their aggression towards Gibraltar, then it is very likely that it will escalate beyond something that diplomacy can solve. Her Majesty's Government has repeatedly said that they wish to alleviate the dispute through discussion, but it is extremely hard to do that when your citizens are being oppressed.

    One of the ways that HMG can increase the pressure on Madrid would be to formally recognise the rights of the Catalan people and to open an embassy in London, accepting a ambassador, as well as advocating for Catalonia to join the EU and exert your inalienable right of self-determination.

    I do hope that the Catalans can separate from Madrid. It's about time that Spain stopped being so colonial, forcing the Catalan people to be part of a country to which they feel no true allegiance.

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