
Former Spanish Socialist Minister Mocks and Scorns Catalan in Tweet

While the Catalan process for Self Determination progresses, influential Spanish personalities continue to send grotesque and offensive messages on Catalonia. The latest is by the former Housing Minister of the socialist PSOE party, Ms. Maria-Antonia Trujillo, who in a recent tweet asked publicly, "Let’s see, what important issues is Catalan good for?" In a previous tweet she also mocked the language saying: "The Catalan language is good for fighting in the City of London."

Reactions to these attacks on the Catalan language have not been long in appearing. Many users addressed Ms. Trujillo’s tweet lamenting her inappropriate words, especially when coming from someone who has been a member of the Spanish government and belongs to a progressive party. At first, she kept a contemptuous tone; when a Twitter user said "one learns languages to have more culture", Ms. Trujillo replied bluntly "yes, but not Catalan." Just a few minutes later, after the avalanche of accusations, the former minister protected her Twitter account so that nobody could see her comments without authorization. However, her Twitter handle @matrujil, is now open again.

These are not the only controversial tweets made by Ms. Trujillo. Over the prior months she had published remarks such as “those who have debts must pay or else, they should not have got into debt” or “I have canceled my Canal Plus [pay TV] subscription, let’s download from the net”.

Picture: El Periódico

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