
Flash news on Catalonia's Independence Process

** MATIAS  ALONSO, a spokesman of the unionist party CITIZENS (CIUTADANS) has pointed out in his report to the chief of Police in Catalonia that in a hypothetical referendum it would be required to withdraw the ballot boxes in order to prevent the vote, if the government of Spain orders them to do so.

** A study by the German political scientist KAI-OLAF-LANG published by the German Institute for Foreign Policy, claims that an independent Catalonia would not immediatley become a member of the European Union. Yet all Catalan citizens would maintain their European citizenship. The study considers that Spain should make a federal offer to Catalonia whilst it does not rule out that the process may end up with an unilateral declaration of independence, and  KAI-OLAF-LANG believes that the EU should be ready for it.

**The leader of the Spanish Popular Party CARLOS FLORIANO has threatened with applying the full force of the law and the Constitution if Catalonia dares to call for a referendum which is considered "illegal".

**The Spanish unionist platform MOVIMIENTO 12-O asked the Spanish government to prevent the human chain on CATALAN NATIONAL DAY on 11th of September because it is considered an "insurgent and violent act which is contrary to the Constitution and the laws." The MOVEMENT 12-O eventually called off the scheduled anti-demonstration to prevent the human chain.

** VIVIANE REDING, a Commissioner of Justice of the EU made a warning call to Spain for the trivialization of Nazism and the recurrent comparison of the process of Catalan sovereignty with the Germany in the 30s. REDING warned that "the intentional and public exoneration, denial or international publicizing of a gross trivialisation" of crimes carried out by totalitarian regimes should be punished. This was the reaction from Brussels after a group of Catalan deputies reported to the EU the recent tribute to the Spanish Blue Division (the Spanish support unit to Nazism during World War II) in which the delegate of the Spanish government in Catalonia MARIA DE LOS LLANOS DE LUNA participated.

**A representative of the Spanish Popular Party and Vice President of the European Parliament ALEJO VIDAL-QUADRAS expressed in Twitter his extreme concern for the political situation, "Before the final attack which is being prepared for ending five centuries in common, is there nobody left in Spain able to carry out their duty?".

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