The undersigned, members of the legal
profession, DENOUNCE that the imprisoning of
Messrs. Jordi Sánchez and Jordi
Cuixart, presidents of ANC (Assemblea Nacional Catalana)
and Òmnium Cultural, respectively, is
devoid of any legal basis and results instead from an
ideologically biased abuse of the Law,
evidencing among other worrying circumstances a
serious breach of the principle of
separation of powers in the Spanish state, a blatantly
partisan stand by the Spanish Attorney
General, as well as an infringement of fundamental
rights and a violation of the right to
be tried by a legally predetermined judge, all of it in a
context of pervasive disregard for the
rule of law.
The provisional incarceration of ANC and Òmnium
presidents results from a ruling of the Central Criminal Court
(Juzgado Central de Instrucción) nº 3 in Madrid, charging them with
sedition. With regard to this ruling, we must STATE:
1. According to current Spanish
criminal law, the facts resulting in this incrimination
cannot possibly be qualified as
seditious , but rather as the free exercise of the right of
public manifestation, as stated in
article 21 of the Spanish Constitution, which the ruling
clearly transgresses.
2. The Audiencia Nacional (of which the
Central Criminal Court nº 3 in Madrid is a
component) is not the competent court
on the matter, which should instead be under the jurisdiction of a
criminal court in Catalonia. This clearly infringes upon article 24
of the Spanish Constitution, which states the right of defendants to
be tried in a court predetermined by law.
3. The conditions established by both
the Spanish Code of Criminal Procedure (LECrim) and constitutional
jurisprudence for pretrial detention are not fulfilled in the present
case, again in a clear breach of article 17
of the Spanish Constitution. The lack of motivation of the ruling is
particularly egregious: the court has not proven that a flight risk
exists, nor shown by which means would the defendants destroy
evidence, nor that there is a threat of reiterated crime, given that
the facts under scrutiny simply reflected the voluntary mobilization
of thousands of people.
Thus we cannot but conclude that the
imprisonment of Messrs. Sánchez and Cuixart turns
places the Spanish state at the dismal level of
countries routinely infringing upon
civil rights for political reasons, or disregarding the
principle of legality, with the result
of their being excluded from membership in the
European Union. All this adds upon and
aggravates the numerous legal irregularities prior
and following the October 1 referendum.
Therefore, as jurists, we DEMAND full
respect for the rights of Messrs. Jordi Sánchez and
Jordi Cuixart , the encroachment of
which concerns us all and calls into question the rule of
law in the Spanish state. Hence WE
If you agree with the above, please
support this Manifesto-Denounce with your signature, following
instructions here.
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