
Spanish Government announces that it does not recognize the result of Catalan election called by themselves

It does not matter which the result was.
It does not matter if pro independence parties won on December 21st.
It does not matter if Carles Puigdemont was acclaimed as the legitimate President.
It does not matter ig the Mariano Rajoy party, Popular Party, was humiliated with only 4 out of 135 MPs. The party founded by a Franco Minister will rule Catalonia anyway and it has announced that will not recognize the result of the elections. Is it a coup ?

Direct rule over Catalonia will be maintained if Carles Puigdemont tries to govern remotely from self-imposed exile in Belgium, Spain’s prime minister has warned. Moreover Puigdemont VP will be in jail and he could not be in the Parliament as the Spanish Inquistion announced.
Mariano Rajoy said any new regional president had to be “physically present” to take office as the local parliament in Barcelona reconvenes tomorrow.

1 comentaris:

    21 de gener del 2018, a les 7:33

    En su agonía Falange Española (Partido Popular) persiste en la negación de Catalunya. Pobre PP. Visca Catalunya Lliure! Viva Catalunya Libre! Por siempre y para siempre. En Paz. Siempre en Paz. Como tiene que ser.

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