
Action by Committee for the Defence of the Republic in London calling for Puigdemont to be invested president

The London Committee for the Defence of the Catalan Republic (CDR) has called for the reinvestiture of the acting Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, in an action at the Catalan delegation in the British capital, closed since the Spanish government's application of article 155 of the Constitution.
The CDR has hung a banner from the building, on Fleet Street, with an image of Puigdemont, the slogan "president of the Catalan Republic" and an estelada "starred" pro-independence flag.
According to the CDR, they want to "urge the elected deputies that constitute the majority of the Catalan Parliament to unblock the situation by investing the elected president, Carles Puigdemont". They also call for the Catalan delegations abroad to be reopened and the fired employees to be reinstated. They also want increase awareness in Britain of "the lack of democratic guarantees that we face in Catalonia".

You can follow them at @CDRLondon

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