
Don't Stop: The spokesman of the Spanish government signed a manifesto justifying extreme-right violence as legitimate self-defense

Inigo Mendez Vigo is the spokesman of the Spanish government. Maybe you think that you live in 2018 but Spain lives in tha Fascists era of the 1930s or, worst, in the Middle Age. Now it has been discovered that he Spain's education (!!!) minister Vigo when he was a student, signed a manifesto justifying extreme-right violence as legitimate self-defense against groups with contrary ideologies. It was in 1976. And these are not only words; the facts are clear. While 1.600.000 Catalans were holding hands forming a human chain this September 11 in favour of the independence of Catalonia, fifteen people broke into the Cultural Center Blaquerna of Madrid, the Catalan government’s headquarters. They threw tear gas at the attendants and assaulted the CiU deputy Josep Sánchez Llibre. This was an act of defiance to show their disagreement with secession and contrasts with the pacifism of the Catalans, who formed a human chain from Pertús to Alcanar without any incidents. Among the right-wing group that burst into Blaquerna with a Nazi greeting and the intention to boycott the conference by Sánchez Llibre, there was the cousin of the Minister of Defence, Pedro Morenés, as well as the brother-in-law of Mendez Vigo, Secretary of State of the European Union and son of Manuel Fraga, the ex-treasurer of Alianza Popular (the precursor of the current ruling party in Spain). Vigo never condemned the attack... it was legitimate.

Worst than Fascism links are the Middle Age face of the Spanish State. The spokesman of the government is a "Baron", literally. The Baron of Claret, Inigo Mendez de Vigo is member of a family with links to the king's family as well as Fascist Dictator Franco. His family has barons, counts and a marquis too. Middle Ages in pure in pure state.”

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