
Huge circle dance by 12,000 Catalans for Freedom and Democracy in Banyoles

More than 12,000 people participated on June 30th in the 'Sardana per la Llibertat' convened by the CDR (Committees in Defence of the Republic) and the Assembly of the Catalan region of the Pla de l'Estany, together with the Promotion of the Sardana in Banyoles. People from different parts of Catalonia, including Northern Catalonia (under French rule), have encircled Banyoles lake to claim the freedom of political prisoners, and they have also called for the Catalan Republic to be effective. Sardana is a Catalan typical circle dance.

The event began with the messages of the exiled Culture Minister Lluís Puig and the delegate of the Government of the Generalitat in Brussels, Meritxell Serret, who greeted the audience and thanked for their participation. In addition, they have claimed the spirit of October 1. Next, in the manifesto that representatives of the organizing entities and Òmnium Cultural have read on stage, they have again claimed the freedom of prisoners and exiles. They also made an uprising for freedom of expression and manifestation or meeting, threatened by the Mordassa Law and the arbitrariness of the judiciary.

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