(Gabriel Ferrater (1968): "Les gramàtiques de Pompeu Fabra" ["The Grammars of Pompeu Fabra".] Sobre el llenguatge [On Language], Quaderns Crema, 1990.)
As mentioned in his biography, Fabra was self-taught as far as linguistic training was concerned. His biographers highlight his solid grounding in historical phonetics and morphology, which he acquired in the library of the Ateneu Barcelonès, where he was able to study the works of the principal researchers on European historical grammar, comparativism and linguistics (Jean-Joseph Saroïhandy, Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke, Ferdinand de Saussure, Otto Jespersen and Charles Bally, among others). The fruits borne from this solid training were articles such as "Études de phonologie catalane" ["Studies on Catalan phonology"] (1897), "Les e toniques du catalan" ["The tonic e in Catalan"] (1906), "Le Catalan dans la grammaire des langues romanes de W. Meyer-Lübke et dans le Grundriss der rom. Philologie" ["Catalan in the grammar of the Romance languages of W. Meyer-Lübke and in the Grundriss der rom. Philology"] (1907)- all published in the Revue Hispanique-, "La coordinació i la subordinació en els documents de la cancilleria catalana durant el segle XIVè" ["Coordination and subordination in the documents of the Catalan chancery during the XIVth century"] or "Els mots àtons en el parlar de Barcelona" ["Atonic words in the vernacular of Barcelona"]. His speeches at the First International Congress of the Catalan Language (1906) and his grammar books such as Gramática de la lengua catalana [Grammar of the Catalan Language] (1912), Gramàtica catalana: curs mitjà [Catalan Grammar: Intermediate Level] (1918) and Gramàtica catalana [Catalan Grammar] of 1946 and also that of 1956 are also proof of his excellent technical preparation in this field. Further examples of that preparation are to be found in the notes taken by students who had attended his courses at the University or elsewhere (such as a phonetics course in 1933).
TÍTOL: Études de phonologie catalane PUBLICAT: Revue Hispanique. New York; Paris : [s.n., 1894- ?]. IV, p. 5-30 (gener 1897) | AUTOR: Fabra, Pompeu TÍTOL: Le Catalan dans la grammaire des langues romanes de W. Meyer-Lübke et dans le Grundriss der rom. Philologie PUBLICAT: Revue Hispanique. New York; Paris : [s.n.], 1907 | |||
TÍTOL:Les e toniques du catalan PUBLICAT: Revue Hispanique. New York; Paris : [s.n., 1894- ?]. XV, p. 9-23 (1906) | AUTOR: Fabra, Pompeu TÍTOL: La Coordinació i la subordinació en els documents de la cancilleria catalana durant el segle XIVè PUBLICAT: Barcelona : Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 1926 | |||
AUTOR: Fabra, Pompeu TÍTOL: Un Cursillo de fonética catalana PUBLICAT: [Barcelona] : Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cataluña y Baleares, DL 1968 | TÍTOL: Estudis de lingüística i de filologia catalanes : dedicats a la memòria de Pompeu Fabra en el centenari de la seva naixença EN: Estudis romànics. [Barcelona : Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 1947- ]. Vol. 12-13 (1963/1968) |
Darrera actualització: 14-08-2008
© Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
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