
New recordings of the Justice Minister reveal between judges of the Spanish Supreme Court and minors

New recordings that implicate Justice Minister Dolores Delgado come to light, revealing that Supreme Court judges and prosecutors had been with minors at least on a trip to Colombia. These audios come from a meal with the ex-commissioner Villarejo and other police commanders where Delgado confesses that on a work trip to Colombia, which lasted several days, "a series of Spanish judges and prosecutors ended with minors." These recordings, like the rest that have come out the last days, have been obtained by the digital Moncloa.com.

The trip was to attend the Ibero-American Classroom Program, a training and judicial exchange forum for judges and magistrates that has been in operation since 1977 under the coordination of the General Council of the Judiciary. One of the annual editions of the Ibero-American Classroom Program was held in Colombia, in Cartagena de Indias, but it has not been possible to discover what year it was.

Delgado, who at the time was prosecutor of the National Court, traveled with a delegation of "people of the Supreme and the Attorney General," he said in the leaked recordings. With this information, the minister caught the attention of the rest of the guests, who ate together on October 23, 2009. Btween them was the Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón, former Socialist Minister (yes, in Spain separation of powers does not exist) and well known in Catalonia for his tortures to pro independence activists in the nineties. Garzón was the first to dare to tell the story, but Delgado cut her off to tell her about it.

"I will tell you now," said the head of Justice, "We had a trip to Cartagena de Indias, we were a magistrate of the National Court and me," he continues. "Then we went with a series of people from the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, professors, we tried to stay with them and they said no".

It seems that the men did not want the company of Delgado and the other magistrate and that is why they decided to go to dinner on their own; the surprise came when "we saw the group of uncles of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General with 17-year-old girls."

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