
700 people in the meeting 'Stand up' by twelve Catalan pro independence organizations leaded by the CUP

The CUP (Candidacy for Popular Unity), with 4 MPs in the Catalan Parliament, yesterdaypresented the campaign 'Alcem-nos' (Stand up) as "a cycle of protest and combat". Twelve organizations of the independent left * presented in Barcelona the 'Stand up. Facing the cuts in civil, political and social rights. For full self-determination 'as a turning point in the mobilization of independentism. MP Carles Riera (member of the CUP as well as of Endavant-OSAN) demanded the creation of a broad front of protests for civil rights and defense of the exercise of the right to self-determination. "We start a cycle of protest and combat (...) Let judgments become a time of exceptional struggle, permanent mobilization and civil disobedience."

The activists of the Defense Committees of the Tamara Carrasco Republic, confined to Viladecans, and Adrià Carrasco, exiled to Belgium, took part in the meeting. Tamara Carrasco called for "nonviolent resistance" and Adrià Carrasco said that the repression "not only affects politicians."

* Alerta Solidària, Arran, Coordinadora Obrera Sindical, Candidatura d'Unitat Popular, Endavant-OSAN, Sindicat d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans, Constituents per la Ruptura, Crida Constituent, La Forja, Lluita Internacionalista, Pirates, Poble Lliure.

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