
Neighbors of Verges expel a handful of Spanish terrorists who tried to spread fear removing Catalan flags

The action of a group that raked Catalan flags in Verges has ended with police intervention. Neighbors of the population have left the streets to face their attitude and the Catalan police had to expell the terrorists. The events took place this Sunday at noon, when a group of six people approached the population with the intention of removing yellow and stellar bows that were hanging on street lamps. Then, residents of Verges have left the streets to prevent it and recriminate their attitude. Verges is ruled by the pro independence party CUP and pro Spanish parties have virtually no support.

Verges has been victim of several Spanish terrorist attacks. Last summer Spaniards raked Catalan flags by night but they were expelled too by the neighbors. In October Spanish terrorists attacked at dawn: tires of cars were indiscriminately bursting by the Spaniards.

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