
AGM of the Catalan National Assembly: one-way road is the only possible way to advance towards independence

With a 92% of the vote, the General Assembly of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) this weekend approved the entity's roadmap for the next two years. This strategic document is based on the premise that the one-way road is the only possible way to advance towards independence - the referendum agreed with the State is impossible - and from there the ANC agrees that it will only give its support to those parties running for election defending this formula.

More than 6,000 associates have participated in this general assembly, which has to be done electronically due to the general confinement situation. Of the more than 110 amendments to the text of the roadmap and which had to be voted on, one was the territorial one in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat and Alt Urgell that requested that the ANC to run with its own list in the next parliamentary election. In the end, however, the proposal was rejected.

With regard to the internal elections for the renewal of the national secretariat, they have been postponed until five weeks after the end of the restrictive measures that have been imposed on the population following the coronavirus pandemic are decreed. Among other positions, this election will have to elect the new President of the Assembly. It seems that the current president, Elisenda Paluzie, will run for re-election.

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