
A warship of the Spanish navy stops Catalan fishermen from departing

A few days ago, a warship of the Spanish navy prevented trawl fishing ships from departing from the port of Roses, in Catalonia, unless they displayed the Spanish flag, i.e. in the pope stand of the ship.
The sole presence of the Spanish navy surprised the fishermen, since they are not not used see them around Cap de Creus waters, which are usually watched by the guardia civil and by a patrol of the Catalan police. But on that day a navy ship just showed up with that specific goal in mind.
Area fishermen don't recall ever before a flag inspection. Catalan fishermen are used to displaying only the Catalan flag because they are Catalan, or they show no flags to save some money, “because the wind erodes them and we would have to buy a new one almost every year.”
Source: Vilaweb

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