
Sant Jordi's event in Palo Alto (California)

As is tradition, Palo Alto hosts a new St. Jordi's Day and Day of April 25, organized by the Catalan Meetup in San Francisco Bay Area, Sant Francesc for the purists. The idea is to enjoy a day of sun, green grass, barbecue (BBQ) and good company. The celebration will be held on Sunday starting at 1pm at Hoover Park in Palo Alto:

2901 Cowper Street Palo Alto, California 94306

Food: Potluck BBQ to eat and drink ... Everyone brings food to the coals and then shares among all! Beers, and other drinks too!

Those who want can bring books to exchange, each person brings one (mainly in Catalan, if you will, but if there are people who don't have Catalan then in English), then we wrap the books with newspaper to make them anonymous, and do an exchange. "You get what you get, and you don't get upset!" The books need not be brand new, they can be novels that we've read and we have at home and no longer want.

Hope to see you there!

More about Sant Jordi 2013, Catalans Abroad here.
More about Sant Jordi here

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