
Spaniards making friends in Gibraltar

As the group 'The British Rock of Gibraltar' reported a Jet Ski incident took place on Sunday the 23rd of June 2013.  A Guardia Civil officer fired shots while chasing two local men on a jet ski in British Gibraltar territorial waters. Gunshots can be heard on the video which was released by the Royal Gibraltar Police just hours after Spain denied the shooting lying as usual. The footage released today leaves little doubt that the incident unfolded close to Gibraltar's shoreline.

The row between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Spain  continued after Spanish police entered British waters once again causing "fury" as The Mail reported.

The Foreign Office protested to the Spanish government after a boat from Spain’s Guardia Civil entered Gibraltan waters and took potshots at Mr Dale Villa as he rode his jet-ski close to a popular beach. Some days ago UK Prime Minister lectured Rajoy on the right to self-determination for Catalonia as Help Catalonia reported. Mr. David Cameron said “I don’t believe that, in the end, that [it's right to] try to ignore these questions of nationality, independence, identity. I think it’s right to make your argument, take them on and then you let the people decide. But that’s the way I want to do things in the United Kingdom. I would never presume to tell people in Spain how to meet these challenges themselves. It’s a matter for the Spanish government and the Spanish Prime Minister.”

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4 comentaris:

  • Unknown says:
    1 de juliol del 2013, a les 6:46

    Meet up with you lets you meet up with new friends who like to do the same things you do, for example playing tennis, bowling, going to the movies, sky diving, wine tasting, kayaking, golf and much more
    making friends

  • coroplet says:
    10 d’agost del 2013, a les 15:47

    Sien algún momento conseguís la independencia (cosa que dudo mucho), seguiréis odiando al resto de los españoles, porque solo os mueve el odio. A los gibraltareños les pasa igual. No vaya ser que se acaben los privilegios!!!!!!!.Es mejor vivir parasitando con miles de empresas off shore y miles de cuentas bancarias opacas, trafico de tabaco, alcohol, etc.

  • YuriBCN says:
    13 d’agost del 2013, a les 10:02

    Coroplet: cuentas de las que sin duda son titulares decenas de miles de corporaciones e individuos españoles!

  • Unknown says:
    22 d’agost del 2013, a les 16:37

    Los catalanes sois bobos. Aunque sea en terminos economicos os interesa q a españa le vaya bien. Os compramos mas del 50% de vuestros producyos y si nos va mal a vosotros también. Aliaros con los ingleses q os haran como en la guerra de sucesion: daros por el culo y abandonaros como ratas. Malos amigos os vais a echar. Son como vodotros pero peores. Aunque también os podeis juntar con los franceses para q os hagan lo q os hicieron en la guerra dels segadors: conquistaros. Elegid amigo y sobre todo odiad a vuestro vecino y hermano q se parece a vosotros, esta mas cerca y mas os compra. Quereis ser portugal 2 en peor? Mal camino habeis elegido.

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