
European Parliament report for Minorized Languages

The Culture Committee of the European Parliament has approved a report urging the European Commission to promote, from early educational levels, the learning of the minority languages ​​threatened with extinction, among them Catalan, after it has incorporated an amendment presented by MEP Ramon Tremosa.
In addition, the report recognises multilingualism 'as a richness and an expression of the European diversity' and requests funding for the period 2014-2020 to support endangered languages. The report also considers that multilingual societies which are cohesive and manage their linguistic diversity in a democratic and sustainable way, contribute to plurality, are more open and are in better conditions to contribute to the richness that represents linguistic diversity.

1 comentaris:

  • Doctor Corb says:
    22 de juliol del 2013, a les 9:57

    Surrealist! Catalan is considered a minoritary language? They know that catalan have 10 milions speakers in Europe? The estonian language only have 1 milion and it's official. If Europa wants to conserve a rich and strategic country like Catalonia will have to do more efforts to protect and safe the rights of catalan people.

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