
The Catalan National Day

The 11th September has usually been understood as the celebration of a defeat. A misconception.

We are aware of the defeat in 1714 when we go to a demonstration on the 11th or when see the Castellers go up in human castles. And definitively it will remind us of how Catalans lost our freedom in 1714 in the Catalan Way this September. We will think about that when we join hands with people next to us on the street. However, we will not be vindicating a lost battle.

We will be showing the world our will of survival over the centuries. Despite all the repressive efforts, our language and culture has not been annihilated. They have been expanded including words from other languages and treats from other cultures. I will enjoy seeing the young “enxaneta” scratch the blue sky with the “Senyera” (our national flag) as well as I will enjoy hearing my mother comment on that fact in Spanish or eating my grandmother’s “migas” with coffee for lunch that day.
Alba Álvarez

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