
What is this, Catalonia?

When I first came here 3 years ago, I didn't have the slightest idea about the existence of Catalonia. It was really confusing for me to hear two languages everywhere – at the stations, on the beaches, on TV... I was also pleasantly surprised how drivers respectfully stopped letting me cross the street, how passers-by smiled and sometimes even said “hola”, how there was calm and peace, how people were friendly in shops, at any information desk – everywhere!..

A month later I came back, and then again after two months, in winter. I went to discover the Catalan Pyrenees for myself – I wanted to see the whole country which had already captured my heart... It became my second home, and when I was in Moscow, I missed it.

By that time I had met many people, Catalans and Spanish, and I could see the difference between them, between these nations. The culture of Catalonia is very rich and diverse, there are some traditions which can ONLY be found here, like the Castellers human towers, the Sardana, an old, well-known dance, the unusual and fun Christmas Eve tradition of Cagatio, and so on... The Catalan language also has its own history and many years of existence and is spoken by about 7 million people around the world.

I met my husband here, I now live in Catalonia and I definitely appreciate my luck! I'm proud to be among the Catalans – no regret! I see the patriotism of the Catalans and I would like to fight with them. They have to be free. They must have a chance to choose their own future, to continue their old traditions and to have all the rights for their peaceful existence.

Let´s help the magnificent world – Catalonia! The world of happiness, great culture, lovely people and delicious food!

Catalonia is not Spain! People have to know it!

Natalia Zakirova

1 comentaris:

  • Unknown says:
    20 de maig del 2014, a les 16:54

    Thank you so much Natalia for creating this. We appreciate it very much. Moltes gracies!

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