More than expected. A crowd of thousands sent a clear message to the Spanish nationalist government of the Popular Party for a decent and quality education in Catalan language. It was yesterday in Palma (Majorca's Island) city. So, Jaume Sastre is not alone. He has been twenty-five days on hunger strike demanding negotiations with the PP party. Last European elections the ruling party lost many votes in the Balearic Islands:
from 112.000 to 74.000 votes.
The rally was organized by the Obra Cultural Movement (OCB) a cultural movement who stands for our language in the Balearic Islands.
is the most influential cultural institution in the Balearic Islands.
It was founded in 1962 by Francesc de Borja Moll, with the aim of
promoting the
Catalan language, the culture and the own identity of the balearic people.
OCB has promoted the biggest demonstrations, events and campaigns to claim more self-government for the Balearic Islands. Last rally in Palma as yesterday's one was in 2011.About 4.000-10,000 people attended a rally in Palma yesterday evening wearing Catalan flag ribbons and green (the colour of the campaign) T-Shirts.
Help Catalonia is developing an international campaign hand in hand with this popular movement as well as a
selfie's campaign in solidarity with the #HungerStrikeForCatalan.
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