
Catalan, French Police sign training cooperation agreement

On 17 November, the Catalan Government issued a media release explaining that it had approved a cooperation agreement on police training with France. In accordance with the agreement, the “Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya” [Catalan Public Security Institute] (ISP) and France's “École Nationale Supérieure d'Application de la Police Nationale” in Tolouse will share their expertise and experience in security training. The ISP is responsible for training the Mossos d'Esquadra, Catalan police, as well as local police forces in Catalonia.

The goal of the agreement is to formalize cooperation between the two schools. It will enable student and faculty exchanges, as well as the sharing of information on their respective curricula and training methods, with a view to implementing the most modern techniques. According to the media release, this cooperation may include:

* Annual exchange visits by school cadets.

* Mutual visits by instructors.

* Instructor exchanges.

* Participation in one-off events, such as graduation ceremonies and open days.

This is the first ever police agreement between France and Catalonia, other than those dealing with cross-border cooperation.

Alex Calvo, expert in security and defence in the Indo-Pacific Ocean Region.

2 comentaris:

  • manel says:
    1 de desembre del 2015, a les 11:44

    Cal seguir avançant sense aturase

  • Unknown says:
    1 de desembre del 2015, a les 13:29

    While Madrid excludes cooperation with the Catalan authorities on issues of terrorism and, for political reasons, falsely implies that Catalonia is a security risk for Spain, the French government, which is interested in security rather than anti-Catalan propaganda, makes cooperative agreements with the Catalan government. Ironies abound.

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