
France to Crash Catalan Language teachers in a Move to Kill the Language

The decision is historical: the secondary teacher's competition created in 1992 had never been interrupted for 26 years. The decision is even more surprising when it is known that there are always ten schools of Northern Catalonia that do not have a Catalan teacher, and that the demand for families is not covered.

A decision above all that sounds like a provocation, or at least as a forceful denial of the beautiful words of the representatives of the institutions, including the State, during the installation session of the Public Office of the Catalan Language last September 4th.

The prefect and the academic inspector, two days before, emphasized the interest of the State to participate in the promotion of the Catalan language.

1 comentaris:

  • Assumpció Cantalozella says:
    16 de setembre del 2019, a les 2:57

    Saben que matan la llengua maten tot el paquet de cultura, sigui literatura, congressos, el catalanisme, les tradicions, tant cultes com populars...

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