
Another black night of the Spanish police in Barcelona: 46 injured

The Spanish occupation forces attacked Catalan demonstrators after thousands rallied in the Via Laietana police station. This infamous place is well known by the Catalan population. Almost all the families have a member who has been tortured by Spaniards the last decades. One of the torturers under Franco's rule was Rufino Arrimadas, the father of Spanish nationalist MP Inés Arrimadas.

On October 26 350,000 Catalans demonstrated against the Spanish inquisition court ruling in Barcelona. After teh huge rally the Spanish police once again attacked demonstrators in the center of Barcelona. They shoot against people sitting peacefully and also attacked people who were in restaurants. Forty six people where injured by the Spanish brutality. Some videos showed :
1) masked policemen began riots,
2) Spanish officers attacking unarmed women  (1) and (2)
3) as well as restaurants attacked by thugs dressed as policemen.

Seven Catalans were kidnapped so the people detained unlwfully rises to 212 since the court ruling announce and those injured are 631.

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