
Catalan Kings and Counts Portraits Gallery returns to the Catalan Government Palace

Last days, part of the collection of portraits of counts and kings that ruled Catalonia until the seventeenth century is again on the walls of the Palau de la Generalitat. The gallery of portraits, commissioned in 1587 by the Generalitat (Catalan Government) to the Bolonia painter Filippo Ariosto, presided over the Sala Nova (New Hall), the governing hall in the Palace of the Generalitat de Catalunya for 300 years. From there they went to the military museum of Montjuïc and, with the return of the castle to Barcelona, and now the collection has also returned to the hands of the original owner.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the gallery of Catalan counts hanging on the walls of the Sala Nova of the Palau Consistori Major of Palau could still be distinguished, as can be seen in an engraving of 1809. The room where, even now, the government meets of Catalonia. For more than 300 years, the portraits of Catalan Kings and Counts Guifré el Pilós, Ramon Berenguer el Gran, Jaume el Conquistador, Martí l'Humà, Ferran I or Felip II were exposed there.

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